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Stop Waiting, Start Acting

We are all guilty of wasting time. Obviously we all need some time out now and then, and when you work hard then you deserve a break. However, wasting time by waiting for something to happen, is a mistake so many people make.
What do you want in life? Really want?
Give yourself a few minutes to think and write down your thoughts.
Then look at what you've written. Have you put any serious effort into achieving what you wrote down? If not, why not?
The answer is probably this - you're waiting for something. And the problem is, that is what most people do, they wait. And wait and wait. There is always a reason why not to do something.
Here are some very common 'reasons/excuses'
  • I'm too busy
  • I'm too young
  • I'm too old
  • It's too late
  • I'm not smart enough
  • I don't have the skills
  • It will take too long
  • I'll start tomorrow
The list could go on for ages but regardless of what else was on it, the fact remains, they are all excuses people use everyday that allows them to keep 'waiting'.
Well people it's time to stop waiting. The time has come to start acting. Nothing happens unless YOU make it happen. So it's time to TAKE ACTION.
Have you ever heard the saying "if you want something done then give the job to a busy person"?
That's right. If you have a task that needs action, the busy person will get it done. Not the person with plenty of time on their hands. Why? Because they are waiting for something to happen. A busy person gets things done. They prioritize, organise and utilise their time. They are taking action.
It doesn't matter how smart you are. You could have a portfolio of degrees, diplomas, certificates etc, but if you don't have the discipline to get moving, then all the pieces of paper aren't going to help you much at all.
That's why the people most likely to succeed in life are the ones who are busy making things happen. They are the achievers. And anyone can be an achiever.
You don't have to be a member of the élite group and you don't need a university degree. You need:
  1. Positive self-esteem
  2. The desire to be successful
  3. To believe in yourself
Possess these 3 qualities and you can achieve anything you want. If you don't feel confident that you have these 3 things, get involved in some personal development programs or training and you will learn that personal growth is the most important skill you need to achieve success.
Remember nothing happens unless you make it happen, so stop waiting and start acting. It's never too late to start and you will become a better person in the process.
There has never been a better time than now to take control of your future, and to do that you must take action. Waiting achieves nothing, however actions achieve results. Whilst everyone's journey in life is a different one, ultimately we all are looking for the same thing - success. Just what that success is, is entirely up to you. But you can pretty much guarantee without taking action, it will never happen. If you're done 'waiting' and ready to 'act', click the link. http://www.superchargedlife.com/

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