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What Are The 5 Reasons People Don't Live Up To Their Capabilities?

Why is it hard for people to live up to their capabilities? 
We all have the power to be successful, but while some of us go on to enjoy our success others seem to be stagnant. Many people that find themselves stagnant seem to be taking the right steps, but they still are not meeting their own expectations.
There are 5 reasons why people do not live up to their capabilities.
If you feel like you are not living up to your abilities than you may be able to get on the right road by addressing these issues.

Get Out of Your Own Way!

You are most likely your biggest obstacle to living up to your capabilities. 
Success can be hard! But at times we can get into a rut of failing and decide that we should simply accept that we are failure. To reach your goals you will have to get out of your own way, that means that you have to stop accepting failure as a way of life. You have to be able to see yourself being success and have plan act to get to your goal.

No More Excuses!

Many people mistakenly believe that they are doing all that they can. 
If you ask the average American who gets 24 hours each day. How are you spending your time we will find out that half of it goes to social media, watching TV, playing video games on cell phones or tables. Not to mention if you dedicate 8 to sleeping that leaves you 0 hours each day to work toward your goals and to live up to your abilities. Making excuses for time wasted all on you and the way you allot your own time.

Entitlement Issues!

Many people feel they are entitled to be successful which in return leaves them waiting for their big break. Which in most cases never come because of ones, "I don't have to work for it attitude". 
We are living in a time of it is all about me and what I want and need. One of the key characteristics in successful people is their ability to move forward without the "I deserve this" attitude. Putting things off and not addressing issues is easy when you think. "Well, I worked this amount of time I deserve to get this break." You can get all the breaks you want once you have mastered your goals and learn to be humble.

Waiting For That Big Break

No one will hand you success. If you want to live up to your capabilities than you need to pursue them. Waiting for someone to come a long and give you a break can be a very dangerous approach to life. You have to go out and see and then create the life you want.

The Execution Stage!

Sometimes the planning stage is going so well that you never actually execute the plan. 
Many people send so much time on vision broads, writing out purposes that their forget to ACT. Plenty of people never live up to their capabilities because they never get out of the planning stage of life. Until you take action on your goals and dreams they will always be just that words on a piece of paper.

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