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The Greater Vision of Your Life

We're all born with a purpose, a greater vision for our lives. 
There is an intentional reason you exist here on earth at this point in time. 
What do you believe deep down that reason is? 
While this deeper knowing evolves and strengthens as we seek to understand, this deeper knowing is God guiding you to learn and fulfill your life's purpose. 
Only you can fulfill your purpose, no one else. If we fail to fulfill our purpose, we hinder or even prevent others from fulfilling theirs.

From a deeper sense I knew there was something much greater I was to do with my life. Yet I didn't know what that was. Casually for years I tried to understand, but it wasn't until I got serious and intentionally pursued knowing my life's purpose that I learned the greater vision for my life.
The process was effective and gave me the desired clarity that I wanted and needed. God only shares the parts of our life's purpose that we're able to handle in that moment. As I've grown, the clarity of my greater vision has grown.
Learning our life's purpose happens over time through a revealing. While there's more of my life's purpose to be revealed, I'll admit the greater vision I was given overwhelmed me. 
I was overwhelmed as I peered at the tremendous gap and struggled to understand how to go from way down here to way up there.
Being a results-driven problem solver my mind went into overdrive trying to solve the "HOW" am I going to fulfill the greater vision for my life. 
There in laid my problem, the "how" is not up to us, it's up to God. Little by little He guides us, step by step sometimes only giving us a little insight and other times much greater. Our responsibility is to listen and act on our intuition, our inner guidance.
God gave us all freewill, therefore it must be an intentional choice. We can choose to listen and act or dismiss and ignore that small voice inside us. It's our intuition, our gut knowing that guides us gently towards the fulfillment of our greater vision.
The small voice is quiet and natural, which is why it easily goes unheard. We're all blessed with this inner guidance; our world is just too noisy and busy so our intuition dims over time. Like anything, what we pay attention to grows stronger. This is definitely true of your intuition as well.
Make It Actionable™
Over the next two weeks become intentional to listen to your inner guidance, your intuition. It's through our intuition that God guides and talks with us.
As you listen and take action, your intuition gets louder and more persistent. Like the people we love and who love us, God wants our love and attention too.
The quiet voice can guide you to turn down a street you weren't planning to turn down where you're able to help someone in need or it guides you to venture into a store where you strike up a conversation with someone who has a meaningful impact on your life. I'm sure you can name numerous serendipitous encounters you've had and the effect they had on your life.
Take some time out to be quiet and think about or better yet journal these tiny yet powerful events that impacted and sometimes altered the trajectory of your life. 
Begin to connect the dots to see how each one guided you to the other or put you in the right place at the right time to fulfill something you desired. 
These are all those little steps I mentioned that God uses to guide us closer and closer to understanding and fulfilling the greater vision for our lives.
If events are happening in your life and business causing you to realize success isn't enough; that it lacks the fulfillment, love and meaning you need - I'd like to help you make sense of what's going on so you can begin understand your greater purpose and move forward. 
When this happened to me it was devastating as I felt my success was meaningless; the first thing I needed to do was understand why my life seemed to be collapsing beneath me so I could move forward.

Join me to begin your own breakthrough experience and move forward with confidence to achieve a higher level of success - a success filled with MORE fulfillment, love and meaning in your life and business - because when success isn't enough there's Breakthrough Success™!

Register now for "When Success Isn't Enough" at http://breakthroughsuccessstrategy.com/breakthrough and start achieving Breakthrough Success today.

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