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Trust Is the Name of the Game

I came into this lifetime wanting truth even if it killed me and it almost did.
Living in your authentic truth is the key to trust. In order to be your authentic self you have to love yourself. At fourteen my boyfriend said to me, "If there is no trust, there is no love.
 He was right. Trust is a primal emotion that depends on two things; how you love yourself and how you love others.
In order to trust another, you must trust yourself. Trust is a belief system, which comes from honoring your core presence. When we can stand in true alignment with our-self we will be guided to others who resonate with our truest nature.
On a personal note, I had very little trust in my environment and myself for most of my life. I recognized as an adult that most of the people I associated with, my nuclear family included, where untrustworthy because they lived in feared of the truth.
To complicate matters,or make the message more profound and visible, I was diagnosed very young with a progressive degenerative disease that ran havoc in my body leaving me feeling like damaged merchandise.
 Trust was already a huge issue for me and now my body would deceive me as well. I couldn't trust what was happening to my body or in my emotional gut. As my physical self became more paralyzed I became equally paralyzed in fear and worry.
After living in that place for forty years I decided to take my life back into my own hands by stepping out of the medical box and into the world of metaphysical and alternative healing where, over time, I completely transcended the dis-ease mind, body and spirit. 
I realized through the process of healing that the origin of the dis-ease was not physical, but rather from unresolved heart wounding.
As we learn to trust our self and who we are, we learn to trust others and seek kindred spirits. 
We learn to discern who is trustworthy and who isn't as we become more in touch with our authentic self and relinquished childhood traumas and dramas holding us in abeyance.
As the process continues we began to trust a Universal consciousness that guides us to a healthier life, a healthier peaceful inner existence. 
When I opened to the possibility that I AM deserving of a life filled with joy and grace and completely trusted that would happen-it did.
When we're willing to live in a state of inner truth we open ourselves to the opportunity to see through clearer eyes.
Eyes that see what is and not what has to be or should be.
Are you able to hold the knowing that you are your greatest truth and begin to lovingly show up in grace and wisdom? Struggles drop away when we have the courage to trust our truth and take our power back.
Laura Mayer, founder of SoulDancing Healing Practice, author, metaphysical healer and inspirational speaker. She incorporates decades of experience as an Occupational Therapist, her intuitive prowess, and her healing practice into a road map for anyone willing to step up the plate and take their life into their own hands. Laura knows first hand what healing looks like http://www.dancingheartdancinghands.com

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