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Are You Planning Your Life?

Do you have a plan for your life? 
Do you have a plan for the next 20 years... 10 years... 5 years... 1 year?
Do you have a plan for the next 6 months even? 
In my own experience, I have discovered that very few people have a plan for 1 month, let alone 1year or longer.
Scripture tells us that people without vision perish and loose hope. Perishing in this case does not mean physical death, but it does mean a loss of dreams and a loss of pursuing purpose in life.
I've heard one person say that without writing down your dream on paper and putting a deadline on it, your dream is nothing more than a fantasy. Unfortunately, most people seem to live in fantasyland rather than reality.
From a statistical perspective, 5% of people in this world achieve unusual success in life. 
When one studies what these 5% have done, one will discover that each of these 5% have written goals with timelines.
With all this in mind, what is stopping you from writing down Your Vision on paper?
I believe most people don't write their vision down simply due to fear and unbelief. We start to dream about what seems impossible and because it seems impossible we give up on it. 
They key to achieving the impossible dream is in writing it down and sharing it with those that will believe in you and your dream.
What is interesting about writing down your vision is that it solidifies what your are seeing. In writing everything down, the general picture that you see becomes clearer and more crystallized so you are able to go after that which you see. Details become sharper and it becomes achievable.
If you are dreaming what seems impossible to you, do not share it with those who have small minds and imaginations. Share your impossible vision with those that have achieved some measure of success in their owns lives and can support you in the achievement in your life.
I am writing this just before Thanksgiving and just before the end of the year. This is a time many people look ahead toward the upcoming year. As you are writing down your vision, make sure that it resonates with your heart, with whom you are. Here is what I mean. As we listen to various speakers about certain subjects, we can get excited and caught up in the moment and think, "Yes, I want to do this (fill in the blank)." However, this may not be in line with our Purpose, with whom we are.
As an example, for a long time (around 2 years or so), I thought that my target audience was CEO's, Business Owners, Salespeople, etc. I set my goal around that audience, but it never worked for me. Why? 
Because that wasn't where my heart was; it didn't resonate with me. It does until I was on a call a, short time ago, listening to another speaker discuss speaking at universities. When I heard her talk about speaking at universities I realized to whom I want to speak. It was never a thought for me until that time. That audience resonated with my heart.
When you are planning out your next year, 5 years, 20 years or 100 years (yes, there are people who plan that long), make sure that it resonates with your heart. Don't simply put something together because it sounds good on the surface. If that's all you do, you will not go after because it's not who you are. It's not what you are designed to do.
If you would like help creating Your Vision, contact us for a complimentary exploratory session: http://www.AbundantLifeCoachingNow.com
Your Purpose, Vision and Destiny Coach,

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